Friday, August 19, 2011

Our Team's Mission in a Single Photo

I could wax poetic for hours about the Leadville 100 (and I will) and how hard it was and how I suffered, but my entire Leadville experience is summed up with the attached picture - anything more would be superflous. 

To give the photo context, at hour 7, my stomach utterly shut down which lead to my lungs, brain, and legs following suit. By the time Guy and Hans found me at the side of the trail on St. Kevins, I was a dead man walking. Guy and Hans both sacrificed their own shot at a better finish time in order to nurse me to the finish. I have never experienced such dedication, commitment, and willingness to give of oneself for another. I am proud, humbled, and honored to be a part of this team. 

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words... Leadville 100: Pre race meeting with Ken Chlouber

We were privileged, humbled, and honored to have Ken Chlouber support PPF and the PPF mountain bike team by not only giving us a front-row seat (flanked by Dave Wiens and Rebecca Rusch) and introducing us at the pre-race meeting, but by also wearing out jersey at the pre-race meeting. Check out the video by clicking here. Thank you dearly for your support Mr. Chlouber!

PPF MTB Team Introduced at Leadville Pre-Race Meeting

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Paying heed to the adage that a picture is worth a thousand words, we would like to invite you all to share our team's Leadville Trail 100 through a collection of images that we feel convey the experience. 

This is but a snippet, as the event is so large, so grand, and so beautiful that even the most eloquent description and most piercing images would fail to capture it appropriately. 

Setting up the Pipeline station

Hans, Gretchen and Dave Weins.

Giving thanks for the support we were given.

The 6th St gym was packed.
Our banner was proudly on display. 

Dave getting a standing ovation.


...more eating...
...still eating.

Leadville Love